Each Full Paper will be inserted in the Proceedings Book of ART'23 International Conference that will be distributed during the Meeting. The Proceedings will be volume nr.14 of the prestigious international book series Cultural Heritage, directed by Emanuele Romeo of the Politecnico di Torino ( The Proceedings will be available in Open Access, according to the most update criteria for the diffusion of the scientific knowledge established by Berlin Declaration ( All full papers must follow strict rules provided directly by the Publisher WriteUp Books: more details are available through the Organizing Secretariat AIPnD (

Guidelines for the Preparation of Oral Presentations
The official language of the Conference is English: therefore, all abstracts, full papers, slides and short presentations must be in English.

Presentation’s length: 20 minutes (15 minutes of talk + 5 minutes of discussion)
All the Authors are pleased to:
 - keep strictly to the allotted times as the Conference schedule is tight
 - prepare the presentations in Powerpoint format and carry it along on a CD or a USB memory drive (please put any video in the same folder of presentation)
 - upload the presentations at least two hours before the oral exposition directly in the Conference Room (technical assistance shall be provided)
 - use PC/laptops provided by the venue (no personal device will be accepted and no Apple/MacIntosh software or hardware will be available)